Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It is funny how everybody owns an ipod

Put on your headphones and turn on the volume to the maximum level sometime you are running late to school. Note the use of the word running. The rhythm puppeteers you. The tunes dilate into a bubble of isolation that encloses you and alters the circumference of the world of your perception. Your pace synchronizes to the cadence of the song of your selection: uh-ah-ah, jump-step-step. To the eye of the passerby, you are merely running with your headphones on. To you, pedestrians may bolt, sit, yell, or whisper and they all look the same- they are amalgamated into the streets and the buildings and create a world of slow-motion which you are breaking through. Any ordinary day, even if running late to school, you check both sides before hesitantly crossing the street. Yet, the loud music alienates you from fear and in return empowers you to cross the street- just to cross without feelings and continue running. After running for a while, your breath begins to fail even when the music has not announced yet that you may pause to rest. You consciously breathe through your mouth, you withhold the muscular pain for a few seconds- if you could only keep on going- but you stop. The bubble of isolation is burst by a sharp needle- reality check. You are tired. The music is too loud. You remove your headphones and reality oozes back in. Crossing the street that fast could have killed you.

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